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Welcome to the 2025 School Year

Player Interviews

All players should schedule a time to meet with Coach Kuehn to set up their goal setting and player interviews for the season. All players need to meet with Coach Kuehn including new 9th graders.

Feel free to text Coach Kuehn or send him a schoology message.

Meeting times are available before and after school, during study hall, or at lunch.

Things to do:

Sign up in Innerview for volunteer opportunities


Please download the Sports Engine mobile app to stay up to date on events, calendar updates, etc... (make sure your sons do as well!)

Be sure to allow settings so that you will be notified in the case of last minute calendar changes, score updates, etc...

RHS Boys Lacrosse

Rosemount Irish Lacrosse Team Mission

Our mission is to create a positive environment where high school student-athletes are able to learn and develop the skills needed to play competitive lacrosse.  Emphasis will be placed on self-confidence, hard work, integrity, leadership, sportsmanship, and a love of sports, which will provide the players the skills needed to succeed in life on or off the field.


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with Corporate Sponsorship

Contact US

Lance Kuehn

Head Coach

Dan Lenmark

Vice President

Julie Nelson


Ann Townsend


Tara Pace


Adam Birr


Mary Anderson


Caryn Stremler-Birr

Apparel Coordinator

Angie Vershey

Apparel Coordinator

A Huge Thank You to Our Platinum Sponsors!